Call of Duty: MW3 Prestige Emblems on Prestige Mode

Finally, Prestige Mode has returns in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and bring along the MW3 Prestige Emblems as well as Prestige Shop. Just don’t forget that to purchase the unique things offered in Prestige Shop, you will need the Prestige Tokens that can be gained after every prestige. As the previous version, the Prestige Mode in COD: MW3 also bring excellent challenge, as well as new challenge that surely requires you to use specific primary or secondary weapons to complete the challenge, as well as other kind of challenge. Although looks similar as the one offered on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the Prestige Mode in MW3 is registering kills done even before having prestiged.

MW3 Prestige Emblems

MW3 Prestige Emblems

Another similar thing of COD: MW3 with the COD: MW2 is the MW3 Prestige Emblems and the way to get it, though the emblems in MW3 seem to be a lot more colorful compared to the emblems of MW2. However, there are a few bugs regarding some prestige challenges. The bug will reset the game when prestiging. One of the known bugged challenges I the XM25’s so don’t bother playing it.

So, how to entering Prestige Mode on COD: MW3 in order to obtain MW3 Prestige Emblems? Well, for you who don’t know yet, first you need to max out rank 80 in multiplayer. After that you are free to continue playing or enter the Prestige Mode. If you are sure to enter this mode, just simply click the ‘Prestige Mode’ button on the main menu, which will trigger a message to appear. The message seems to only give the information about Prestige Mode. You can learn the message more by select ‘More Info’ or just return to menu by select ‘cancel’. If you choose ‘More Info’ another message will appears and as expected, more info about Prestige Mode will be explained. If you still determined to go to Prestige Mode after those two warnings, the last warning that mentions ‘there is no going back…’ will appear and you are able to click ‘Enter Prestige’ which finally activate Prestige Mode. Just remember, there is really no going back from Prestige Mode. All you can do is just to fulfill all the challenge and obtain all the MW3 Prestige Emblems to shows off and your skill to be acknowledged to other players.

After you enter, you will be faced 80 levels for each MW3 Prestige Emblems. For example, if you have finished 160 levels, you will only stay at the 2nd Prestige Emblems. Recently, there are some updates that giving additional 10 Prestige Emblems, which makes it 20 emblems total to get. Beside the emblem, you will also receive Prestige Token as well, which can be used to purchase unique stuff from the Prestige Shop. Also, you can use the Prestige Token for game perks, additional slot to create a class, unlock new challenges, or even reset your rank into rank 1 in order to start the entire process of getting MW3 Prestige Emblems over and over again.